About Us
a few words about
Who We Are
Wabash Valley Wine & Art Festival
The Wine & Art Festival gives both small businesses and non-profit organizations the opportunity to sell and promote their hand-made wares, quality artwork and delicious foods. During the festival weekend, the combination of Palestine’s quaint shops and eateries, numerous wineries offering tasting and sales, food vendors, handcrafted and original arts & crafts, plus free entertainment have made Palestine a place to be. As our attendance grows, the festival committee would like to take time to thank all of you who have made it a success. Funds from this festival are used for community projects. See the listing below.
Palestine Development Association
Mission Statement
The purchase of three buildings on Main Street in 2005 was the first project for the PDA. This project could not have been completed without volunteer work from Larry Surrells and Eugene Reinbold. In addition, Palestine High School Building Trades classes and the use of local prisoners helped in this huge project. They also finished the three apartments above the buildings. As a result of this first project, more ideas began to develop. All the projects listed below have been completed over the past 20 years by the Palestine Development Association.
Thanksgiving Fireworks
Rooms for the 101st Air Force Band for Labor Day Donated $1,000 to Crawford Memorial Hospital for the Cancer Program
New sound system for Main Street
Fort LaMotte
Electric pole at Community Building
Playground equipment at Palestine Park
Help with free meals during Covid shut down Police vests Small pavilion for High School
Sound proofing the community building next to pavilion
Food Pantry (we assisted the Food Pantry in acquiring their new building)
Sign at Westport
Harmon’ s Drug Store on Main Street
Repave and paint for Pickle Ball at Park
Money for Landscaping around the Tourism Sign on Highway
Roof for former Sit and Sleep Store
Boat Ramp on Wabash River
Dollar General
Electrical upgrade for Main Street
Main Street Pavilion (This project was funded by the PDA, and Leo A Herning grant, no tax money was used)
Christmas Decorations
The Palestine Development Association meets at 8:00 AM every Friday morning at 101 N Main Street (Harmon’s Drug Store – Board room). Anyone is welcome to attend. Monthly business meeting is held at Mullen’s on the first Tuesday of the month at 6pm. The more people involved, the more ideas and projects to help our community. We are in need of volunteers for the Wine and Art Festival in October, are you available? Please come to a meeting or send us an email.
Web Page: palestinewinefest.com
Email: palestinewinefest@gmail.com
Definition of Volunteering
Volunteering is done by choice, without monetary reward, and for the benefit of the community.